Hi! I’m Amber…

and Little House in the PNW is a place where we prop our Bibles open on my couch, swap stories, and look out the window together over a cup of tea. Or if coffee’s your cup of tea, I have that, too.

For those of you who aren’t from around here, PNW stands for Pacific Northwest.

I’m not originally from around here, either. I spent the first half of my life in Texas, in a place where it seemed like just about everyone went to church services and called themselves a Christian.

Out here in Oregon, I can’t make those assumptions. But living here has stretched me to explore what it looks like for Jesus to be the Place that acts on my small life, my small town, and my small circle of influence. For His story to completely inhabit mine. And not just mine but ours.

You can read more about that in the Prologue.

And you may have seen that I describe myself as an armchair theologian.

An armchair theologian?

That basically means that I love to study God and His relationship to humanity…but I don’t have a theology degree.

I do, however, have a bunch of thick books on my bookshelves and end tables. And a bunch of Bibles. And I’ve taken a bunch of graduate-level classes. (For my fellow armchair theologians who just can’t do regular school right now, I highly recommend BibleProject Classroom, NT Wright Online, Biblingo, and BibleEquipping.)

I also have degrees in youth ministry and curriculum & instruction. And I spent 16 years working at a Bible college and even taught a few classes there on things like Worship Arts and Christian Education.

Nowadays, I direct a really cool ministry called OneStory and write free family and homeschool Bible curriculum that you can find here.

I’ve also been homeschooling daughters since 2011. There are four of them in my class now, and I’m doing my best to enjoy every minute I get with them. (Which isn’t always easy because one of them really doesn’t like math and another really doesn’t like to read…and another - well, you get the picture.)

That’s me on the far right. It won’t be long before I’m the shortest person in my family.

What to expect

I’m hoping to publish a new post about once a week. Aiming for Tuesdays or Wednesdays, but if life happens and Thursday is possible, I won’t wait for the next week.

Most weeks, I’ll be building on the foundation that the prologue lays out. We’ll explore the themes that cycle through the Bible and how they continue to overlap with our lives.

But occasionally, you’ll find a Rest Note instead. These are short devotions that follow the story of rest through the Bible.

Subscribing is free and lets you stay up to date, either via email or through Substack’s app.

I’m looking forward to seeing you around!

With gratitude,


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an armchair theologian's view from beyond the Bible Belt


Director of OneStory | Bible nerd/writer/curriculum designer | homeschool mom of 4 | helping families explore the Bible and practice the way of Jesus